
First, let’s look at some statistics.  United States pregnancy rates declined between 2010 and 2019.  They continue to decline in this current decade.  It has been a trend at least since 1991 according to the CDC.  

Last September, Illinois embarked on a trailblazing journey toward justice by enacting the Pretrial Fairness Act, making it the first state in the nation to eliminate money bail. The law's smooth and successful implementation has ensured that more people are now able to return to their communities while awaiting trial. That means more people are maintaining employment, housing and connections with loved ones, which makes us all safer. 

I have been fortunate to spend 22 years in the school human resources role.  More recently, I have also been working as the executive director of the Illinois Association of School Personnel Administrators (IASPA) representing more than 560 educational human resources professionals in Illinois. We are here to tell you: The teacher shortage is real.

The Rochelle Lions Club would like to thank everyone that supported our Rose Day event on Saturday, April 20.

Yep, legislators are back at it in Springfield working on legislation that may or may not see the light of day. As usual they will be racing to get their bills filed by the filing deadline, then the speakers in both chambers will decide what does get assigned to committee, and what doesn’t (that’s known as killing the bill). Then chamber committees will hold hearings and meetings. And eventually those that pass muster will be brought to a vote in both chambers. After that the Governor either signs it or vetoes it, and if it is the latter an entire new process kicks in.

Nearly 10 years ago, Illinois adopted the “60 by 25” goal: that 60% of adults would have a postsecondary degree or credential by the year 2025 to meet projected workforce needs.

Growing up there was one place that I could always go for an adventure. From “The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet” by Eleanore Cameron, “Glass Bead Game” by Herman Hesse, and “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens, I could go anywhere and do anything within the walls of the Flagg-Rochelle Public Library.

Understanding the technology our world is filled with is one way that we can gain a level of comfort in our lives. If we have a sense of understanding, instead of confusion, it’s a better way to go through life.

Jay Larson’s co-workers stepped in for his mail route in Rockford earlier this month when Jay’s final deliveries ended in unspeakable tragedy. 

America is divided over major efforts to rewrite child labor laws.

When I dreamed of joining the military, I knew it wouldn’t be an easy dream to realize. I knew I’d have to push myself past my limits and that I could be required to risk my life. Over my 14 years in the South Dakota Army National Guard, including service in Iraq, all of that and more came to fruition. 

Joshua Bland Jr. was repairing a roof on a commercial building in Danville on Dec. 4, 2023, when the 25-year-old fell about 33 feet to the ground, suffering fatal injuries. His employer failed to enforce the use of fall protection – exposing Joshua to the construction’s industry’s most dangerous hazard – falls from heights.

In 2001, I participated in Illinois Farm Bureau’s inaugural Market Study Tour to China. Our group visited a training kitchen where chefs were learning recipes featuring U.S. beef and pork products. In the kitchen’s cooler, I discovered the pork was from a facility in Waterloo, Iowa, where many of my own hogs were processed.

The long and bloody history leading to the war in Gaza brings to mind ancient Greek tragedies, in which the characters were helpless against fate, the laws of the universe, and their own mistakes. A similar feeling of tragic destiny hovers over Israel and the Palestinians. It arises in their case from human nature — and economics.

On April 12, 1955, Jonas Salk invented the Polio vaccine.  This changed the future of Polio in the United States. 

As part of the federal Inflation Reduction Act the USDA is awarding grant monies for a new Rural Energy for America Program (REAP).

Marijuana is legal for adults in Illinois and is taxed and regulated similarly to alcohol. 4/20 celebrations are a big deal across the state, especially in the larger cities. Cannabis retailers, aficionados, and anyone part of the cannabis culture take part to celebrate.

What are your thoughts about debates?  I personally believe they are a good thing.  A way to discuss a particular political platform, or a way to remind us that some things have already been accomplished even though we are told daily there has been no progress.  As voters, we need to know all that we can about who we are voting for.  What is their platform?  What are the ways they are going to accomplish their goals? 

These days with all the new pronouns, changing definitions of things I’ve known for decades and misinformation peddled by “social influencers” it’s hard for anyone to define anything anymore. The only social influencer I ever knew in my life were called mom and dad, and dependent on their mood at the time or their answer truly influenced your social life.

An example of malicious prosecution is the Cusick v. Gualandi et al. case. Malicious prosecution is filing a lawsuit without probable cause, with fabricated evidence or plain malice.

Mayor Bearrows and I had the honor of presenting the 2024 State of the Community address at City Hall and live on Facebook last month. Our team accomplished a lot in 2023 and we are excited for great things to come in 2024.

The most powerful nation in the world fails again and again, like a giant in chains, at the most basic tasks of government.

As a career advocate for community inclusion and access to critical services like health care and education, I felt compelled to highlight the work of Illinois Community Colleges across our state that empower women to pursue careers in historically male-dominated industries.

March 28, 1889 started out like most days in Ashton, local business owners were opening their stores and preparing to serve their customers.

How many of us are worried that the 2020 election was stolen or there was too much scandal around it?  Shouldn’t we have looked for and found various political and concerned groups trying to fix any problems that were found?  Shouldn’t we have found in the news that these groups and others were reviewing the voting processes of those areas found to concerning?  Shouldn’t we have heard something?

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