
Lucille was born in Rochelle in 1892 and attended school in the three-story brick school at Fifth Avenue and Sixth Street. The school housed all grades from elementary through high school. It was 1910 when Lucille was a featured soloist at the school’s Thanksgiving Festival and graduated from Rochelle High School. For Lucille this was only the beginning of her education. 

Over the next five years, millions of dollars could be funneled into efforts to help farmers rotate their crops, preserve their soil, improve how their animals are fed and, along the way, significantly reduce the 10% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions that come from agriculture.

The work firefighters do is among the most essential, needed, but hazardous jobs worldwide. Firefighters not only save lives when a fire breaks out but are often the first responders in other emergencies, too. The job comes with many risks to their life and health, such as heat stress and associated cardiovascular disease, accidents, exposure to various toxic chemicals, and consequently, an increased risk of developing certain job-related cancers.

One of the primary issues on farmers’ minds in 2024 will be reauthorization of the federal farm bill. We all depend on agriculture’s success, so it’s important for farmers and ranchers to be supported by strong farm programs as they face weather disasters, high supply costs and inflationary pressure.

There still seems to be a large swath of voters that feel the 2020 election was stolen.  Even though every challenge to the results was deliberated in the courts and found to be baseless. 

There are many things we take for granted; turn the tap and water comes out, flip the switch and the lights come on, call for help and the police or fire departments are on the way. What few consider is that all of these, and more city services, are directly impacted by the city’s utility department.

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching.  At the library, we love books and reading.  So many people in our community share our love of reading. 

Being in recovery, especially in the early stages, has its ups and downs. Dating is not necessarily a top priority for everyone, but it’s nice to have companionship.

Finding and affording labor are among the top challenges Illinois farmers, suppliers and processors tell me they face in 2024.

The Republicans seem to be okay with Former President Trump saying that if he were elected president again, he wouldn’t be a dictator “other than day one”.  Some believe that this was said in jest, a joke of some type, I guess. But if we believe he would do this, what would he be on day two through day whatever?  Explicitly, there is no answer in his comment.  Implicitly, if you are dictator on day one, then you are obviously a dictator.

Among the four different types of technology, production technology is the knowledge, tools, machines, and processes that we humans use to produce the artifacts we need and want to improve our lives.

It appears that the migrant crisis has hit the fan recently, even though it has been happening since 2020. The reason why there is currently such a discussion concerning migrants entering the U.S. is that virtually every state is now affected. In the past, it was the border state's problem, i.e. “not in my backyard.”

For years, enrollment in Illinois’ public schools has been on the decline, but the number of English Learners (ELs) – students in PreK through 12th grade who require additional programming to develop academic English enabling their full participation in school – is on the rise. From 2010 to 2011 to SY2020-21, the EL population in Illinois has more than doubled, from 156,888 to 245,592 students. These students require qualified bilingual educators to succeed. Without such teachers, vital lessons in math, science, and reading fall by the wayside.

Mapping out a succession plan to keep a farm in the family and family members on the farm is important. Farm family members must adopt a vision for keeping their farm operation in the family to pass onto future generations.

I am writing to lend my support to Chad Horner for Ogle County Coroner. first met Chad through his wife, Dionne. Dionne became employed by me as a freelance court reporter, and we worked together for nearly 12 years. During that time, I got to know them on both a professional and personal level.

There’s a hunger in America for civility. I hear it again and again from people who follow this column. They mourn its decline because they understand a crucial fact: Democracy dies when civility disappears.

The “State of Our Educator Pipeline 2023” report by Advance Illinois underscores the challenges in Illinois' education system and the urgent need to address the teacher shortage comprehensively. While recruiting more teachers is important, addressing teacher attrition, responsible for 90% of the demand, requires a deeper examination of root causes and strategies to retain high-quality educators.

Whether you began in January or are starting later in the month or February, it’s never too late to give yourself a month of abstaining from alcohol. It’s a great way to kick start the year and give yourself mental and physical clarity.

Mapping out a succession plan to keep a farm in the family and family members on the farm is important. Farm family members must adopt a vision for keeping their farm operation in the family to pass onto future generations.

In the last few days, the weather has been particularly bad, especially when you think about the past few years and the amount of snow we’ve had.  But, through it all, I have both given and received words and deeds of assistance in many ways.  Family, friends, and neighbors have all pitched in to try to help keep our feet on the ground and our vehicles on the roads, whenever possible.

The year was 1906 and Sears, Roebuck Company (Sears) had a problem. The catalog sales for building components was falling far short of expectations. Company President Richard W. Sears assigned Frank Kushel the task of correcting the situation, and fix it he did. Frank initiated a program of packaged homes. 

Having practiced law in Ogle County since 1980 and served as Ogle County Resident Circuit for over 14 years, including three years as the Chief Judge of the 15th Circuit, my wife and I wish to endorse Chad Horner for Ogle County coroner. Chad has the experience and credentials we want in a public officer.

From coast to coast, the foundation of a thriving community is affordable housing.

The days go slow, but the years go fast. This rings true as I reflect on my leadership journey as I begin my ninth year as president at Kish.

Americans believe that democracy is in danger—83% said so in an NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist poll in December of 2022. 45% of the participants felt that the threat came from Democrats. 49% blamed the Republicans.

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