
Happy New Year! 2024 is here and the library is extremely busy with cool new programs for you.

The Rochelle News-Leader is implementing a new political letter policy.

We often hear complaints of a two-tier justice system in Washington and other places, suggesting that most people are subject to one set of laws, while others appear exempt. Apparently, the two-tier justice system is alive and well in the military.

Everyone can point to that year in their lives – the year when 23 inches of snow blanketed the state, the year an EF3 tornado ripped through a rural community, or the first holiday without mom or dad. There are some years that stick out more than most.

2023 is now in the rearview mirror. I’m looking forward to 2024 because for some reason, with no scientific basis, I believe the number 24 to be my lucky number. In 365 more days I’ll be able to tell you if that proves true or not.

How do we tell fact from fiction? I suggest we start with how we tell right from wrong. With common sense. Yet the way some statements are phrased, this can be quite a winding road to get to our goal. So, at times, we need some other sources. One I use quite often is Politifact. https://www.politifact.com.

Over the years, I’ve made it a priority to study the topic of love in the Word of God. Because when we know how much God loves us, it melts away our insecurities, gives us confidence, and helps us to love ourselves. We can then give God’s love away to other people.

Over the next five years, millions of dollars could be funneled into efforts to help farmers rotate their crops, preserve their soil, improve how their animals are fed and, along the way, significantly reduce the 10% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions that come from agriculture.

We can sarcastically “thank” Benjamin Franklin for reminding us of the inevitability of death and taxes. But genuine gratitude is due another Founding Father whose objection to the latter established a new precedent in human history—the tax revolt.

Any description of a “local boy” should include a picture of Herbert Kuemmel. Herbert was born in Rochelle in 1893, the son of Henry and Mary (Zimmerman) Kuemmel. Herb grew up and attended school in the town of his birth. The only time Herb wasn’t in Rochelle was a short period during World War I when his Uncle Sam sent him to France. Once he finished his business with the Army Quartermaster Corp, he boarded the first available ship and returned to his town, Rochelle. Herb married Bessie Peterson in 1917 and began his family. He was employed at Zimmerman Brothers Grocery.

Communication technology is among the four main branches of technology that I discuss in this column. It has been some time since we explored it, so let’s remind ourselves that communication technology is when humans use tools, machines, knowledge and resources to control the environment by sending and receiving messages. It can satisfy a basic human need to communicate with other humans, but it also satisfies the need for people and machines to communicate, and for machines to communicate with each other as well. Communication technology is essential to our way of life, providing the interconnectedness that we all enjoy and rely on to some degree or another.

As I write it is Christmas Day. Mine and my family’s best to you and yours for a glorious Christmas and may the Good Lord bring you bountiful blessings as we celebrate the birth of his son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Dear Mr. President: President Washington, it will be Christmas in just one short week from now in the year 2023. We are just shy of the 248th year of our “Declaration of Independence.” At this time in your life, you are fighting gallantly and will be successful in your efforts to gain the freedom of the American people. In fact, my ancestors fought along with you for this freedom, also fought gallantly, and some died for their efforts.

With every holiday party we attend, every last-minute package we receive, every holiday moment made a little more special with our friends and family – chances are, we have union workers to thank for helping make it happen.

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is that you can’t be both selfish and happy. I know this is true through my own personal experience, but more importantly, the Bible has some things to say about the attitude we should have about “self.”

In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, gaps were identified in the law that explained how the federal government failed to recognize threats to the U.S. homeland posed by foreign terrorists overseas.

In my last article, I talked about aches and pains, what they may be telling us, what they were telling me, and what we could do to help the inevitability of the journey, relieving some of the pressure that comes from it. All very important things for our families. Now that I have had my surgery, it’s time to give you an update on my event. I’m still here and writing to you so I made it. Although, I did not plan on anything else.

The library is a busy place throughout the month of December. We had a wonderful time at our “Whoville” Christmas Walk Open House and will continue with the fun at our Family Movie Night on Dec. 15 from 5-7 p.m.

It was Dec. 17, 1903, when Orville and Wilbur Wright flew 120 feet in 12 seconds. This was the first powered flight recorded. Until this time flying was accomplished through gliders and balloons. World War I brought about many improvements to the field of aviation, but flying was still more of an oddity than a mainstream event. The first airplane to land in Rochelle was on July 3, 1918. Fred Gardner flew a plane from Rantoul, Illinois to Rochelle, spotted a fairly level field and landed safely.

As I gaze across the countryside, I see the fields barren from harvest to be renewed in vigorous growth next spring. But spring will have to be a distant thought now that the cold winds of winter fall upon us.

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