
Skoove examines a plethora of gaps in gender equity across all levels of the music industry.  

By Stuart Muszynski (NAPSI)—In the wake of the recent apparent attempt on former President Trump’s life, both he and President Biden have sought to cool down an emotionally overheated nation, …

Chalkbeat reports on the problems a New York City school's population of English Language Learners faced before being allowed to graduate.

The Hechinger Report explains how the evidence is increasing for building students' background knowledge of the world, an indirect way of teaching reading comprehension.

Grist reports on legal battles against bottled water companies by consumers hoping to protect themselves from microplastic contamination.

Por Dr. David Sugerman (NAPSI)— Como padre, sé que prepararse para un viaje internacional con niños es más que solo hacer una maleta. Sea que estemos visitando a familiares que no hayamos visto …

By Dr. David Sugerman (NAPSI)—As a parent, I know that preparing for international travel with kids is more than just packing a suitcase. Whether we are visiting relatives we haven’t seen for a …

(BPT) - Of the more than 60 million decks in the U.S., it is estimated that 50% are “past their useful life” and in need of repair or replacement, according to a report by the North …

(BPT) - Summer is all about having fun experiences and enjoying special moments with friends and family, so why not sweeten those memories with some extra tasty treats? Indulge in chocolate taste …

(NewsUSA) - Stress continues to permeate the lives of many people worldwide, and data shows that 80% of chronic diseases have roots in stress, according to Kiran Dintyala, MD, a physician also known …

(BPT) - What kind of fan of the Olympics are you? Love following specific sports, cheering favorite athletes, or just love taking in the spectacle and ambience of the host country? No matter what you …

(BPT) - When American Airlines Captain Matthew Asdel's son was diagnosed with cancer 20 years ago, Make-A-Wish® made it possible for him to go on a Disney cruise. His son, now 24, is working on …

(BPT) - No matter how old your child is, the back-to-school transition is always exciting, busy and sometimes stressful. Moving from less scheduled summer days to a regular routine takes planning, as …

Reviving the late-night wars, Stacker compiled a list of the 20 most popular late-night hosts in the genre's history using survey data from YouGov.

Stacker used NOAA data to track a changing climate's impact on the Summer Olympics, exploring efforts to reduce the Games' carbon footprint and protect athletes.

Experian takes a look at student loan debt and at how forgiveness programs have helped in many cases.

(BPT) - When faced with long, activity-filled summer days, do you find yourself retreating to the bathroom to get some peace and breathing room away from the kids, roommates and the stress of daily …

Next City reports that Minnesota's Civility Caucus is helping to develop fertile ground for understanding and collaboration across the aisle of the state legislature.

The Daily Yonder reports on last year's American rural population growth, with 90% happening in the South.

Votebeat reports that while fewer mail-in ballots were rejected in Pennsylvania's 2023 primary election due to an envelope redesign, a new glitch has emerged.

(BPT) - With the school year just around the corner, it’s time to start preparing for an exciting season of educational growth, evening sports games and school lunches. All busy parents know …

(BPT) - For nearly 25% of Americans living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a more serious condition is silently progressing. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH, is a dangerous form of …

(BPT) - If you've been thinking about homeschooling your children — or you're already doing so — you're not alone. According to the Washington Post, homeschooling has continued to surge …

(NewsUSA) - It’s stunning to realize that only 10 states make birth records available to American-born adoptees and their biological parents. For adult adoptees born in the 20th century era of …

Elvish Honey uncovered five lesser-known health benefits of honey using various scientific studies, medical journals, and news coverage.

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