Consider this: What Project 2025 could yield

Reed Harris
Posted 8/13/24

Last Tuesday I received a text from someone with a first name only.  Later I received a phone call from the same person.  Since there was no last name, and no links to an internet site.  This appeared to be a scam.  None-the-less, what the text said was very interesting. 

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Consider this: What Project 2025 could yield


Last Tuesday I received a text from someone with a first name only.  Later I received a phone call from the same person.  Since there was no last name, and no links to an internet site.  This appeared to be a scam.  None-the-less, what the text said was very interesting.  It read:

“Former Texans for Trump needs your donation now to combat these radical Democrats from stealing the election and remaining in power over the next 4 years.  If Trump is able to win the election you will never need to vote again (whether you want or not).  Project 2025 is a historic movement, brought together by over 100 respected organizations from across the conservative movement, to take down the Deep State and return the government to the people or we like to call them the MAGA Republican Authoritarian Party.”

Since this is probably a scam, you may see this type of rhetoric in your incoming texts or emails.  I have not determined whether implementing Project 2025 will eliminate elections, but if it did, how would removing elections be returning the government to the people?  That is the people’s involvement.  How could any respected organization be for this frightening change?

While searching further on the election issue, I did find a sentence on page 826 of the Project 2025 document that would be problematic if implemented.  It reads:

“Former Federal Election Commissioner Hans von Spakovsky writes in Chapter 29 that while ‘the authority of the President over the actions of’ the Federal Election Commission ‘is extremely limited,’ the President ‘must ensure that the [Justice Department], just like the FEC, is directed to only prosecute clear violations’ of the Federal Election Campaign Act.”

The reason I say this is problematic is because in this sentence they want the President getting involved in our elections.  The President, and anyone else running for office, should never be involved.  That is why the Justice Department and FEC must be left to their legal work and never be affected by politics.  In fact, this is what Former President Trump, and the Republicans have been complaining about for that last three and a half years.  Although they falsely claim that President Biden is manipulating the Justice Department, they “feel” that he is.  You know, deep state stuff.  But if the conservatives win the Presidency and they implement this change, the Republicans have an opening to do just that.

Let’s look at another election section that Project 2025 would like to get involved in, unions.  On page 603 of that document, they talk about the Contract Bar Rule.  It would be too long to reprint here so you would have to read about it on that page.  Remember, this document can be read by accessing the following link.  Basically, the writers feel this rule is too restrictive on the employees wanting to dissolve their union and want to eliminate this rule.  Although, on the surface it seems practical, you should keep in mind that what they would like to see is the ability for a union to be voted down in days or weeks.  Even before anyone could experience what the union can do or how an implemented contract would work.  This would not be fair to employees let alone any other party.

Another interesting sentence in the Forward to Project 2025 on page seven is: “The federal government is growing larger and less constitutionally accountable — even to the President — every year.”  By placing the words “even to the President” in this sentence, they are suggesting that office should be all powerful.  Yet it is not.  In Article II of the United States Constitution, it lists the powers of the President.  Some of his powers even require the advice and consent of the Senate.  There are many references like these to the President being all powerful in Project 2025.  This, to me, means that the President would run the country.  What do you think?  If this is true, then the Constitution goes out the window and we have an autocracy.

Finally, there is a section of Project 2025 with the headline of “PROMISE #4 SECURE OUR GOD-GIVEN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO ENJOY ‘THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY.’”  There is a sentence in that section, on page 13, that reads: “That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained — to flourish. Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought.”  First, I ask, which Creator from which writings?  Then I ask, what is religion doing in our government?

The writers of Project 2025 tell us over and over that the things they state are what all of us want.  I doubt that very much and I doubt that the ones wanting it are the majority.  If we are to believe this document is the best for us, then why wasn’t it shared with all parties in government and with the public?  Why was this document held so mysteriously for so long?  This is something everyone needs to know about before the November election since these are mainly conservative changes, rules, and actions.  I certainly won’t choose for you how you should vote.  I wouldn’t do that to my wife if she were with us still, nor my family, nor my friends.  We are all capable of choosing for ourselves and must do so.  What do you think?